Sunday, July 5, 2015

New Beginnnings

On June 5th, my sweet fiancé commissioned as an ensign in the US Navy. On May 6th, he graduated from the Citadel with Honors in Biology and Psychology. To say I'm proud of him and all of his accomplishments would be an understatement! 

The day he commissioned, we began this new journey with the Navy. At the beginning of June, he flew out to San Diego where he will be stationed for at least two years. His ship is the USS ESSEX. A week later, I flew out to visit him! 

I had a blast, soaked up every second and really started to fall in love with San Diego. It's not Charleston, but if I have to move, it's not such a bad place to go :) 

On Monday, my sailor flies out to meet his ship for his first deployment. I miss him so much already and I'm hoping the rest of this year flies by! I'm back in Charleston now for my last year of nursing school and hopefully that will keep me busy! That, and care package crafting! ;) Until school starts back up, I'm staying busy with my sweetest little niece and a brand new nephew who have finally moved back home! I can't get enough! 

Here's to summer, family, adventures and navy life! 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

New Years Resolutions

Inevitably around the end of December people start posting New Years resolutions and what their opinions are on them. Lose weight, spend more time with family, save money, learn something new, travel, the list goes on... There tends to be two sides to the debate- those who make New Years resolutions and those who choose not to because they feel like they're setting themselves up for failure. I'm not usually one to sit down and contemplate "resolutions" but I've always had a huge appreciation for the fresh start that New Years brings. This year, I decided to sit down and think about how I felt about resolutions and what they are, if any. Heres what I came up with: 
Life is a journey. It's about learning, growing, changing and figuring out who you are. If you want to accomplish these things, goals are a good way to start. Before I make a decision, I try to stop myself and think "Is this contributing to the person that I want to be?" If not, I don't do it. New Years gives us a chance to sit down and evaluate where we've been and where we want to go moving forward. Does it need to be New Years in order to do this? Absolutely not. Just because it is doesn't make it bad, though. For me, New Years is a great time to reevaluate myself. It's right after the holidays when I've had a break from school, spent time with my family and experienced a lot of joy in giving. It's a great time-out for myself that gets me back on track and reminds me of what my priorities are. So what resolutions make good resolutions? I think that's completely dependent on the person. Some people work better with large general goals, others with smaller, more specific goals.  Your goals should be whatever is best for YOU. 
After contemplating all of this, I sat down and thought of a couple goals for myself.
1. Read a book every month. Reading is something that I really enjoy. It forces me to sit down, take a break and disengage from the stress of everyday life. It's my favorite thing to do for "me" time! 
2. Do something active 3 times a week. For me, this will probably be yoga. It's another thing that's important for me to do for myself in order to relieve stress and take care of myself in the midst of a hectic schedule. 
3. Take at least two trips. Traveling is something I'm passionate about and want to take the time to do! 
4. Do something to serve someone at least once a week. For me this is extremely important. I'm a very compassionate, service oriented person. I don't want to lose that side of myself to a busy life. 
5. Create a routine. Sometimes I feel like I lose a lot of time everyday trying to figure out what to tackle next or something doesn't get completed because I forgot/ ran out of time. I think a routine would help me manage my time better and accomplish more things that I would like to accomplish. 
So there you have it! My 5 very simple New Years resolutions. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Playing Catch Up

It's been a year since I've last blogged. I've started a million posts and then never finished them. I get stuck in the loop of "nobody reads it anyway" and "it's not important enough". I keep reminding myself that I started this blog for myself because I wanted the outlet. It's really just a bonus  if people read and maybe even get something out of it in the process. With that being said, here is my last year in one post:

In the last year I...
 Became the crazy cat lady-

Spent time with my favorite person- 

Went Camping-

Had a great Christmas-
Became an aunt to the most beautiful baby girl- 

Said goodbye to my sweet Pappy-


 Found a new hobby-

.... and created an etsy shop:

(Barely) Survived my first year of nursing school-

Added Kitties to my collection- 

Went to Nicaragua- 

Turned 21!-